Thursday, August 22, 2013

First day of school

**Drop off for 3rd grade is at 8:00 am and you may walk your child to their classroom. 

Don't forget your school supplies if you didn't bring them to meet the teacher.

*Transportation changes may not be made after 2:00 pm and parents may not pick up their children in the office after 2:45 pm.

In order to pick up a child in the office, the person must provide a valid ID and car tag (if one has been issued to your child).

Please wait to have lunch with your child until Monday, September 10. 

Stay informed by following us on Facebook (GES Buckeye) and Twitter (@gilmerelem) and at our website

Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:20 am and parents must pick up their child no later than 4:00 pm.

***Please have your child here on time because instruction begins at 8:00! We would hate for them to fall behind.

Student lunches cost &2.25. Breakfast is free to all students.

Friday, August 16, 2013

3rd Grade Schedule

8:00 tilll 10:40 Instruction

10:45 till 11:30 Specials (Art, Music, Social Studies, Science)

11:30 till 12:15 Lunch and recess

12:15 till 1:00 P.E.

1:05 till 3:20 Instruction

3:30 Dismissal 

Discipline Color Chart

White- Outstanding behavior! Student gets to decorate clip and get a treat.

Pink- Great Job!!! Student gets a pink drink

Purple- Good job!!

Green- Ready to learn behavior

Blue- Slow down (Warning)

Yellow- Think about it. Lose a portion of recess/activity time

Red- Parent contact. Lose all of recess and documentation in discipline folder. Once the student has reached red three times, they will speak with and administrator.